Ħalliena Dun Pawl!
Il-Parroċċa ta’ San Ġorġ tibki b’sogħba kbira t-telfa ta’ Monsinjur Pawlu Cardona, li kien Arċipriet tagħha bejn l-2007 u l-2016. Huwa miet fl-età ta’ 70 sena dalgħodu għal-ħabta ta’...
Il-Parroċċa ta’ San Ġorġ tibki b’sogħba kbira t-telfa ta’ Monsinjur Pawlu Cardona, li kien Arċipriet tagħha bejn l-2007 u l-2016. Huwa miet fl-età ta’ 70 sena dalgħodu għal-ħabta ta’...
The Catholic world is mourning the loss of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, who passed away this morning, 95 years of age. Pope Benedict has been for the world...
During the past days, the 23Four group organised a six-day trip to the north of Italy for teens aged 17+. Kristina M. Curmi, that forms part of this group,...
Grupp ta’ disa’ abbatini Għawdxin qed jingħaqdu ma’ abbatini oħra minn pajjiżna li bħalissa jinsabu Ruma biex jagħmlu esperjenza ta’ servizz fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru. Fost dawn l-abbatini Għawdxin...
Yesterday, during the third day of St George’s Novena, four (4) boys from our parish received the blessing to become altar boys. The investiture of these altarboys was led...
The Victoria Local Council has seen fit to honour Mgr Felix Tabone with Ġieħ il-Belt Victoria. The honour – which will be bestowed tomorrow evening at Independence Square –...
Thanks to the Grace of God, Rev. Deacon Gabriel Vella, later on today, will be receiving his Holy Orders. Vella who hails from Qala, began his studies in September...
On Friday morning of the 26th of February, the death of Mgr Saverio Calleja was announced. Dun Saver – as he was known by one and all –had been living with a family in Nadur for the past...
It is with sadness that we hear of the passing, this morning, of Mgr Carmelo Grech known by one and all as Dun Karm tas-Siku. Mgr Carmelo Grech was...
One of the less known priests of our diocese who spent a good number of years working in Rome was the late Mgr Salvino Scicluna of Victoria. He was...