During the months of July and August two important developments took place in the Parish Archive. The first was the acquisition of two fireproof cabinets in which the Baptism, Marriage and Death Registers, together...
Il-Ġimgħa 16 ta’ Awwissu, ġiet fit-tmiemha l-esperjenza mill-isbaħ taż-żewġ abbatini mill-Parroċċa tagħna, Fulvio Valenti u Eman Camilleri, ta’ servizz li taw fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru. Din l-esperjenza bdiet nhar it-Tlieta li għaddew, 6 ta’...
Fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta’ Awwissu, il-Parroċċa tagħna organizzat pellegrinaġġ għal Lourdes, immexxi mill-Arċipriet Mons. Joseph Curmi. Madwar 50 persuna attendew dan il-pellegrinaġġ. Is-Sur Anton Farrugia, wieħed minn dawn il-pellegrini, qasam magħna l-esperjenza tiegħu f’dan il-pellegrinaġġ....
Bħalissa, żewġ abbatini mill-Bażilika tagħna, Eman G. Camilleri u Fulvio M. Valenti, flimkien ma’ grupp ta’ abbatini oħra Maltin, bħalissa jinsabu Ruma biex jagħmlu esperjenza ta’ servizz fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru. Din l-esperjenza bdiet...
St George’s Festa is reaching its last few hours. We did our best to keep you posted with the latest news, with more updates uploaded regularly on our Parish’s Facebook Page. A huge thanks...
This is the day the Lord has made: let us exult and rejoice in it! Today, Gozo celebrates its signal protector, St George, the great martyr of Christ and his Church. The blessed...
Tomorrow, 16th July, once more, we are proud to offer you the live broadcast of another milestone in the history of our Basilica – that of the inauguration of the Neo-Byzantine Adoration Chapel. ...
Due to the many requests we have received from readers of this website, we are here making available the links of the sections from our portal where one can find a copy of the...
The 210th edition of Il-Belt Victoria is out and available online. In this edition, the front page displays the Trittico di San Giorgio. Other pages (12-15) related to this subject include details on this...
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