Tomorrow, Thursday June 8, is the fifth Thursday of St George, that is, it is kept in the basilica as the fifth special day of the nine-Thursdays devotion in preparation for the feast of St George.

The days of devotions are centred on the votive celebration of Mass in honour of St George, a special mass at 7.00pm.  Mass will be followed by adoration of the Eucharist and sacramental benediction.  The Thursdays’ Holy Mass will as usual will be streamed live and broadcasted live by community radio Leħen il-Belt Victoria.

The parishioners and devotees of St George should feel the urge to attend.  Those who cannot make it to the High Mass should make it a point to visit the basilica, pray before the devotional statue of the Holy Defender and commit himself/herself to Christian witness.

Meanwhile, the programme for the coming festivities is being prepared.  The festa full schedule of the parish radio Leħen il-Belt Victoria will start in the coming days and it will include live transmission of the activities of the festa and the Victoria International Arts Festival.