The parish office has just published the 206th edition of the parish magazine Il-Belt Victoria which has been already distributed to all parish households over the last weekend thanks to the helpers who volunteer to post the bulletin to fellow parishioners across Victoria weekly.  This edition, which follows the feast of St George, includes a full round-up coverage of our parish summer festive season.  It covers the period between May and August 2022.

The front page prominently display the statue of St George on horseback with the newly restored facade of St George’s basilica during feast days in the background.  On the other hand, the back page includes a variety of photos from different events happened during the mentioned months.  In this edition, apart from the message of the Archpriest Mgr Joseph Curmi, and the usual sections as the Album mill-Ħajja tal-Parroċċa, Kronaka tal-Parroċċa and Mid-Djarju Parrokjali, there are other interesting sections and articles published such as Erba’ inkwadri oħra mill-Opri tal-Ħniena, is-Sena Intermediary – the experiences of Seminarian Samuel Aquilina in Italy and altar boy George Abela in the Vatican City, Inżeffnu d-Dragun – comments by Can. Richard N Farrugia on part of Bishop’s homily during St George’s feast day, Saċerdoti Ġorġjani li qed jaqdu l-Knisja Universali by Can. George Debrincat, the project of the illumination of the basilica facade – article by Andrew Formosa, Paninġierku tal-1807 lill-Ecco Homo – l-ewwel parti by Toni Farrugia, and the article Sehem l-Arċipriet Alfons M. Hili fl-ewwel Parlament Malti by Anton Farrugia.

The name of the magazine is in continuation with that of a monthly newspaper-form publication that had started in the 1950s.  It deals mostly with events, civic and religious, taking place in Victoria with some of its more momentous runs covering happenings in St George’s parish.

This website has a section dedicated to this publication which is issued every four months. On that page, the last few editions are available online, together with an index of the whole content featured on the last 205 editions.

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