The new pastoral year at St George’s parish was formally inaugurated yesterday at the 10am Mass, led by Archpriest Mgr Joseph Curmi.

As from yesterday, the catechism centres in Victoria will resume with weekly lessons of catechism to children, preparing in particular candidates to Holy Communion and Confirmation.  These weekly lesson of catechism will begin from next week.  Beside their two weekly lessons at their respective centres, these candidates also have to attend a third lesson at the parish centre. These weekly appointments recommence on Thursday, at 5.00pm and 6.00pm respectively

On Sunday, the Archpriest gave the Church’s mandate to both catechists and other lay persons responsible for the Christian formation of categories within the parish structure. The mandate is a symbolic rite with an important meaning: all those responsible for the formation of others in the parish community do this on behalf of the Church.

This celebration marks the start of the Pastoral Year, and then follow the meetings of the various groups of the Parish.  We have the duty to pray fervently for those who are involved in catechesis.