Memory is a joy to enjoy, especially when that memory is the feast of Gozo’s signal protector, St George, the great martyr of Christ and his Church, in the day that was exactly one month ago.  The admirers who drained their towns and villages in both Malta and Gozo, and thronged the streets of Victoria speak superlatively of it.



It is rightly said that a festa kbira is so, not by virtue of saying and repeating this cliche’, but by virtue of the ingredients that make it, especially the solemn liturgy, outstanding visual beauty, inspiring choral singing and appropriately rousing music, and bursting congregations in the unique atmosphere of shared devotion and joy that is typical of us.  There are also the components laced into it by the La Stella Philharmonic Society and its efficient branches responsible for the beautiful fireworks displays, the numerous musical bands’ participation and the magnificent street decorations.

The blessed dawn of the third Sunday of July once again endowed us with the privilege to taste some of the beauty of heaven and share in St George’s eternal glory.


Have a glance at the most beautiful moments.

  • Thanksgiving Masses for the Golden Priestly Jubilee of Mgr Anton Borg and the Priestly Ordination of Fr. Gabriel Vella


  • Novena Days


  • St George’s Statue triumphantly taken out of its niche


  • Prayer meeting for the young



  • Glorious Days of the Triduum



  • Vigil of the Solemnity



  • Pontifical High Mass


  • Solemn Procession


How true are the words of he who once referred to the festivities of St George as la festa piu popolare del paese.

And indeed it still remains!


[photos:  Francesco Pio Attard, Andrea Camilleri, Sam Cefai, Andrew Formosa]