The real protagonists of the popular manifestation that was held yesterday in the church in occasion of the exit of the statue from its niche were the young people and adolescents.

It is now an established tradition in our parish that, after the enthusiasm and joy expressed during the ħruġ min-niċċa, the young people gather in front of the statue of St George and participate in a short yet intense prayer meeting, or ‘show of Christian testimony’ as it is justly called.

During these prayer meetings, held annually by young people to young people, those present in the Basilica pray through the Word of God and learn how to tackle everyday life by following the example of the life and faith of their patron Saint, and finally they receive the blessing from Him who impressed so much our Patron saint and who is constantly present in the Eucharist.

This year’s prayer meeting was organised by Deacon Clive Seychell.  He organised the meeting with the collaboration and participation of the Mgr Archpriest, Rev. Gabriel Vella and the 23four Group.  During his reflections that were shared with the young people present in the Basilica, Deacon Seychell explained the importance of the observance and conservation of our faith as St George did during the turbulent times in which he lived.

The atmosphere was sombre and excellent in helping young people to reflect in silence. All illumination, except for the ceiling of the Basilica, was switched off, leaving the young people concentrating only on the statue.

The prayer meeting reached its peak with the arrival of the Eucharist in front of the statue, among the young people. The spontaneous prayers and the rite of the Eucharistic blessing were led by Mgr Archpriest.

The prayer meeting ended by the singing of Georgius Natus Est hymn, followed by a photograph of the occasion with all young people present in the Basilica, together with Mgr Archpriest and our beloved patron Saint, of course!

It is important to note that a good number of those present helped in putting all seats back to their place, to be ready for another day of service from the Basilica to the people of Gozo.