The annual confirmation function in St George’s basilica was held on Sunday 15 April, when during a solemn high mass bishop Anton Teuma anointed thirty-three adolescents with the chrism.  For the confirmation candidates, the big morning started an hour before the commencement of the liturgy when they started to gather in the basilica and took commemorative photos with St George’s statue in the background.  The children were accompanied by their catechists, sponsors and parents, together with relatives and parishioners who came to witness the historic occasion.

Then they lined up and, following the processional cross, they processed along the side-street of the basilica, into St George’s Square and up the stairs to their seating.

The bishop of Gozo, robed in red and gold, led the liturgical procession, flanked by Mgr Archpriest Joseph Curmi. The Laudate Pueri choir animated the liturgy.


Archpriest Curmi, as the pastor of the parish community, led the formal presentation of candidates for Confirmation by calling each candidate by name. Then, Mgr Curmi addressed them and explained to them the significance of the sacrament that they were receiving.  After the homily he invited them to renew their baptismal vows and then blessed them.

[Photos: Max Xuereb]