Another edition of Il-Belt Victoria has been issued in the last days. The front page shows St George’s statue on the presbytery in front of the Basilica’s main altar, with the Holy Crucifix in the background. Such sight was a first at our basilica, with both of Azzopardi’s statues brought out together. The photo was taken during the pandemic crisis our island, along with the whole world, has experienced. Like our ancestors before us, for such occasion the statue was brought out of its niche to the presbytery to pray for the intercession of our Patron Saint.



This edition presents also a good number of articles featuring this particular situation. Mgr Joseph Gauci writes on the intercession and patronage of St George, Noel Micallef gives a brief overview on numerous pilgrimages held with St George’s statue, while Can. Dr Joe Zammit gives a theological reflection to this pandemic. A special prayer recited during this crisis is also reproduced. One may also read the letter Bishop Mario Grech sent to Gozitan priests, referring to St George as Gozo’s Patron Saint.



Other articles include the second part of a series on the magnificent dome’s paintings from the Book of Revelations, by Rev. Dr Martin Micallef ofmcap; an update on restoration projects; our photo diary of pastoral activities; an article on the revamped parish website; a summary of activities done by the Parish’s Group for the Elderly; the usual article from our Archivist featuring deaths between 1615 and 2018; the parish diary; the message by the Archpriest; and the editorial.



This edition was distributed to all parish households along with the Sunday Bulletin. A few copies of the previous edition, No 198, which was only published online due to the pandemic, have now been printed and are available to collectors for a donation.