As the Church was celebrating the Commemoration of the Guardian Angels, unexpected news was conveyed by the media regarding our Bishop Mgr Mario Grech. The Holy See announced that Mgr Grech has been appointed General Pro-Secretary of the Synod of Bishops. This is the first time in the history of the Diocese of Gozo that one of its diocesan bishops has been appointed to such a high office within the Universal Church.

The Synod of Bishops was established by St Pope Paul VI on the 15th of September 1965 with the Motu Proprio Apostolica sollicitudo. It was within the context of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) that its formation took place and it can be perceived as a follow-up of Lumen gentium, since this Dogmatic Constitution on the Church had concentrated on the “greater involvement of the Bishops” in matters that concern the Universal Church.

It was only last year (September 2018) that Pope Francis renewed the Synod of Bishops with the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio and Bishop Grech will eventually succeed Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri as General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops once his term expires in August next year.

Bishop Mario Grech succeeded the late Bishop Nikol Ġ. Cauchi as Bishop of Gozo in 2006. As diocesan bishop, His Lordship Mgr Grech was also Dean and ‘first dignity’ within the Collegiate of St George’s which was established way back in 1975 by Bishop Cauchi.

Our parish would like to congratulate Bishop Grech as he takes on this new role and we promise him that we will continue to support him with our prayers.

Photos: Toni Farrugia