The Gozo Curia has just announced the appointment by Mgr Mario Grech, Bishop of Gozo, of Fr Simon Mario Cachia, from our parish, as the eleventh Parish Priest of Fontana.

As from September 2015, Fr Simon has been serving as the Bishop’s Delegate for Catechesis and also at Għajnsielem as Parish Collaborator.  Born in 1985, he was ordained in May 2011.

St George’s Parish takes great delight in this news, not only because of both the geographical proximity and historical affinity of the village of Fontana, but also because Fr Simon is the youngest priest among its clergy and one of its most zealous ones too!

The Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was established in 1911 by Bishop Giovanni Maria Camilleri OESA, thanks to the great efforts of Dun Ġużepp Hili, a priest from St George’s Parish, and his brother Mgr Alfons Maria Hili, the Archpriest of Victoria at that time.  To date, many of the parishioners of this smallest village in Gozo consider themselves as Ġorġjani, and here the La Stella Band Club has its second premises in 1884.

As from today, Fr Simon Cachia will be serving as Parish Administrator, following the resignation of his predecessor Can. John Muscat.

Congratulations to both Fr Simon and to the Parish of Fontana.

Archpriest Joseph Curmi who is currently in Rome, has sent this message which has been read out during the 7.00pm mass..

Ittra mill-Arċipriet lill-Parroċċa

Għeżież, illum il-Parroċċa tagħna qed tifraħ għaliex wieħed mis-saċerdoti tagħna Fr Simon Cachia ġie nnominat minn Mons Isqof, kappillan tal-Fontana. Din l-aħbar għandha timliena bil-ferħ filwaqt li nsaħħu l-impenn tagħna li nitolbu għall-vokazzjonijiet.

Minn qalbna nawgurawlu li jaqdi l-poplu t’Alla fil-parroċċa afdata lilu filwaqt li nwiegħduh it-talb tagħna.


Today’s Press Release by the Gozo Curia.